Weight Loss
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by yunivika ramesh - Dec 9th, 2012 1:05 am.
yunivika ramesh
yunivika ramesh
Simple Ways to Get Slim, Drop Cellulite and Increase Breast Size Without Surgery?
re: Weight Loss by Dr M K Gupta - Dec 9th, 2012 1:06 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Hello Yunivika,

Warning: Side effects may include increased energy, better mood, mental clarity, renewed health, and incredible self-esteem.

Whether you're struggling with that last stubborn 10-20 pounds or considering gastric bypass surgery, this article is for you! You can achieve your beautification goals naturally and easily with the simple advice found in this article.

The problems many of us have encountered in losing weight have not been because we didn't understand the basic physics of eating less and exercising more. It is because, no matter how hard we try, we have not been able to follow through. Cravings get in the way, and the sweets and fatty fried junk foods become irresistible.

It becomes a vicious cycle, we eat junk and then we find we don't have enough energy to exercise. By overeating and exercising less than we should, weight loss becomes very difficult. The first thing to do is address the issue of cravings - and not through some artificial appetite suppressant.

Cravings are often a sign. The body is telling you something is out of balance. Cravings can be a signal of the early stages of a vitamin deficiency. The body can compel you to overeat as it seeks vital nutrients it is lacking. It's ironic that we can eat so much and get so little nutrition while seeking to fill the gap by eating more lifeless, dead and nutrient depleted foods.

Ensuring that your body receives all the proper nutrition it needs makes weight loss far easier.

Getting the right nutrition with your diet can seem difficult. Your body needs a whole rainbow spectrum of nutrition, and you may only like red, orange and green.

Don't despair - there is a quick and easy way to make sure you are getting all the nutrition your body needs to help eliminate your cravings. You need to eat and drink powerful superfoods!

Superfoods contain vital nutrients and powerful antioxidants. The number one superfood, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, is the Acai berry, which is a little known fruit of the Amazon rainforest. Number two is garlic.

Another very powerful superfood is Yerba Mat
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