Hiatal Hernia
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by parul mishra - Dec 26th, 2012 5:20 am.
parul mishra
parul mishra
i m suffering from haitus hernia since 2009..having history of h pylori after treatment of 14 days i was ok with the antacid medicine .my doctor advised me to quit that medicine and return to normal life style..but after quitting i feel all the symptoms comes again..so i star medicine again..now after 2 year,there is no improvement in my situation..feeling bloating, restlessness,not feel hungry,breathing problem after meal..choking lots of problems. plz suggest me wat is the best treatment for this..my doctor advised me there is no need of operation..my age is just 29 years i m female.and i want to become pregnant, due to these physical condition i m not able to conceive ..plz help me out.
re: Hiatal Hernia by Dr J S Chowhan - Dec 29th, 2012 12:07 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Parul Mishra

You did not speak anything about the size of your hiatal hernia or type of hiatal hernia.

There are two main types of hiatal hernias:

1.Sliding and

In a sliding hiatal hernia, the stomach and the portion of the esophagus that joins the stomach slide up into the chest through the hiatus. This type of hiatus hernia is the more common type of hernia.

The second type of hiatus hernia called as paraesophageal hiatus hernia is less common, but is more cause for concern. The esophagus and stomach stay in their normal locations, but part of the stomach fundus or body squeezes through the hiatus defect of diaphragm, landing it next to the esophagus. The danger is that the stomach can become strangled, or have its blood supply shut off leading to strangulation.

If the hiatal hernia is in danger of becoming constricted or strangulated so that the blood supply is cut off, laparoscopic surgery for the repair of hiatus hernia may be needed to reduce the hernia, meaning put it back where it belongs.

The surgery is called fundoplication. Laparoscopic fundoplication is ideal treatment.

So please send your endoscopy report so that we can give you proper advice.
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