Weight Loss Surgery
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Vijal Nagpal - Dec 22nd, 2012 9:14 am.
Vijal Nagpal
Vijal Nagpal
How TO Lose Weight At A Fairly Rapid Pace After Stomach Stapling Surgery?
re: Weight Loss Surgery by Dr M K Gupta - Dec 22nd, 2012 9:20 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Hello Vijal,

After you have your stomach stapling surgery your surgeon or doctor may have told you that you will lose weight at a fairly rapid pace. Many find that they lose their weight within the first year. The years after this may find them losing some weight, but it will mainly be their job to simply maintain the new body weight that they've achieved.

The stomach stapling surgery does come with many risks and complications. You could develop an infection. You could actually die. About one half to one percent of all stomach stapling patients die during or after the surgery. Plus there is the chance that you may need to have surgery at a later date in order to fix a complication that has come up. Sometimes the bands around the stomach slip or wear through the stomach lining. Sometimes the patients staples tear lose and need to be replaced.

Also due to your rapid weight loss after years of being obese you may find that your skin begins to hang down on your body. There may be a lot or a little bit of sagging skin depending of a variety of factors. Your speed of weight loss. Whether or not you are being very active. Your age can even affect this. If you are younger your skin will have an easier time shrinking and will thus shrink faster than if you are older.

Most people with loose skin will find that their skin shrinks back eventually though it may take up to a year. Sometimes it becomes very inconvinent and uncomfortable for people and they look into skin removal surgery.

Skin removal surgery is sometimes referred to as 'body contouring' or 'body lift' surgery and involves the removal of the excess skin hanging down from your body, which can leave scars but this is othen considered an easy trade.
re: Weight Loss Surgery by Crystal rivers - Sep 8th, 2016 2:45 am
Crystal rivers
Crystal rivers
I am 60 and need loose skin removed after weight loose it rolls up under me it is so uncomfortable I have to wear tights to hold everything in place.

Dear Mr Crystal

After weight loss surgery sometime sagging of the skin is normal. You should try to wear pressure garment and hopefully your skin will slowly return to its normal tone. If it still does not go you should get abdominoplasty done. In this surgery excess of skin will be removed from abdomen.

With regard

Dr Nidhi
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