Pregnancy (10 weeks)
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Rupali Gupta - Jan 10th, 2013 7:23 am.
Rupali Gupta
Rupali Gupta
I am 10 weeks pregnant. I had low haemoglobin count before pregnancy n before conceiving i was given iron supplements. (Dexorange)But after i conceived the doctor told me to stop the iron supplements and gave me Macfolate tablets and Multivitamins (Zoravit). My query is whether I should take Iron supplements on top of Macfolate or not ? Today morning I experienced slight dizziness. is it due to iron deficiency ? what type of common food will gave me iron ?
re: Pregnancy (10 weeks) by Dr J S Chowhan - Jan 10th, 2013 9:55 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Rupali Gupta,

You can get one Hb% done to know you need further Iron or not. However, according to our advice there is no harm taking Iron with your multivitamins.

More than 20 % of Indian women are iron deficient. Because they lose blood through periods, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Both males and females lose around lmg of iron per day through sweat or loss of cells through the skin or the gut.

Women lose iron typically a different 40ml or 20mg of iron at each and every period. In pregnancy, you lose 2.5mg of iron every single day. Even breastfeeding makes a decrease of another lmg each day. It's not hard to see that if you don't have an excellent diet you can get behind on daily requirements. This has been estimated that of a third of Australian women consume only 70 % in the iron they desire on a daily basis.

So please continue Iron with the advice of your gynecologist.

With regards

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