carcinoma of rectum
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by nadeem abbas khan shirani - Feb 5th, 2013 12:10 pm.
nadeem abbas khan shirani
nadeem abbas khan shirani
dear sir I am young man my ege is 29yers old my surgery is already 13.04.2012 is A.P.R .after surgery doc advice you have to chemotherapy I have go to chemotherapy 6 sickle 5Fu exeplatin.and then ct scan but tumer is near urnier bladder please help me
re: carcinoma of rectum by Dr J S Chowhan - Feb 15th, 2013 9:41 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Nadeem Abbas

We want to suggest you to please send all the report so that we can evaluate your tumor. In many cases even though risk of side effect of radiotherapy or chemotherapy is present there. In spite of that we have to accept it.

With regards

J S Chowhan
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