Constipation after colon surgery
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Murali Krishna - Jan 28th, 2013 5:56 am.
Murali Krishna
Murali Krishna
Dear sir,

My father was diagnoised with stage 4 Colorectal cancer. He was given 4 rounds of Folfox and then primary tumor in sigmoid was surgically removed. He has been facing the problem of constipation after few days following colon resection. Bowel movements happen only if he takes some laxatives. Please advise to reduce this severe constipation.
re: Constipation after colon surgery by Dr J S Chowhan - Jan 28th, 2013 10:26 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Murali Krishna

Normally after a partial colectomy, the patients experiences more liquid ontaining stool and more frequent motions instead of constipation. Keep trying an increased fibre diet (plenty of berry and vegetables this agreement organic bran has been added). And drink approximately 2 litres of water per day.

Based on what sort of surgery you undergo, may very well not manage to move stay. Those stitches should stay in place, those scars need to heal properly.

Constipation after surgery could possibly be due to this insufficient mobility.

There's a outcomes of constipation and inactivity. Certain physical movements, in particular those associated with the reduced trunk and legs, come with an impact on colonic activity. Not being able to move about, walk and do simple such things as climbing stairs during their visit could be enough to trigger a bout of constipation.

One of the most potent painkillers are often with the opioid type for example codeine. Those opioids can be a source of constipation after surgery.

Opioids decrease peristaltic activity within our gastrointestinal tract. Peristalsis is the wave like motion happening in our gut to propel food material forward. Therefore, taking opioid medications will reduce the growth of food residues within the colon.

Work with your medical team and tell them of the constipation tendency of your father. They shall be effective in keeping track of it and help post-surgery with stool softeners and stimulant laxatives if neccessary.

All the best to you father!

With regards

J S Chowhan
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