Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dhyan Chand - Mar 2nd, 2013 4:02 am.
Dhyan Chand
Dhyan Chand
Sir,I was suffering from testicular swelling and severe pain on last friday.I went to a doctor and he diagnosed me of having orchitis and gave me some antibiotics and tablets containing trypsin and bromlein and also tramadol.

Although my pain has now disappeared but still my right testis is almost 7-8 times larger than my left testis and everyday around 5-6 pm i get fever.Sir,please tell me wat is the exact problem i m having. I m a BHMS student but that makes me a bit more worried because i don't know everything but i know something....
re: Orchitis by Dr J S Chowhan - Mar 4th, 2013 7:40 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Sir

You should get one ultrasound done. Complications of orchitis might include:

Testicular atrophy. Orchitis may eventually cause the affected testicle to contract.

Scrotal abscess. The infected tissue fills with pus.
Repeated epididymitis. Orchitis can result in recurrent instances of epididymitis.

Infertility. In a number of instances, orchitis may cause infertility; however, if orchitis affects merely one testicle, infertility is less likely.

With regard

JS Chowhan
re: Orchitis by Bikram Chaturvedi - May 25th, 2020 4:26 pm
Bikram Chaturvedi
Bikram Chaturvedi
Hello Doctor,
what are symptoms and signs of orchitis?

re: Orchitis by Dr Rahul Pandey - May 25th, 2020 4:27 pm
Dr Rahul Pandey
Dr Rahul Pandey
Dear Bikram,
The signs could be:
-tenderness in the scrotum.
-painful urination.
-painful ejaculation.
-a swollen scrotum.
-blood in the semen.
-abnormal discharge.
-an enlarged prostate.
-swollen lymph nodes in the groin.
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