prevent childbirth
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by gregor - Mar 14th, 2013 10:39 am.
i am 20 years old and i dont want to get my girl friend pregnant.i want a permenant prevention of conception like vasectomy and prostatectomy.will a urologist agreed to perform vasectomy on me in this age ? and what is the cost of vasectomy and prostatetectomy ?
re: prevent childbirth by Dr J S Chowhan - Mar 23rd, 2013 11:29 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mr Gregor

A vasectomy is considered a permanent method of birth control. A vasectomy prevents the release of sperm when a man ejaculates. If you will give a written consent on a legal document, vasectomy can be performed. You don't need prostectomy. Vasectomy is an easy surgery and it will not cost you more than 200 USD in India. You will be discharged same day. However, I will advice you not to do that and use alternative methods of contraception.

During a vasectomy, the vas deferens from each testicle is clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed. This prevents sperm from mixing with the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. An egg cannot be fertilized when there are no sperm in the semen. The testicles continue to produce sperm, but the sperm are reabsorbed by the body.

With regards

J S Chowhan.
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