I want to know the benefit of Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Jaspal - Mar 12th, 2013 11:59 am.
Dear Dr R K Mishra

My wife has 45 BMI. I want to know the benefit of Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy

With regard

re: I want to know the benefit of Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy by Dr J S Chowhan - Mar 12th, 2013 12:11 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mr Jaspal

One aspect of da Vinci sleeve gastrectomy surgery is the three-dimensional camera inserted into your abdomen. This enables your surgeon an entire view into the body. Using controls, your surgeon will direct the da Vinci
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