Mental Disorder
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Sachin Gangwar - Apr 2nd, 2013 12:51 pm.
Sachin Gangwar
Sachin Gangwar
I was having problem like hearing, seeing or sensing things that are not real, mistaken beliefs and thoughts, and problems dealing with other people.

So as prescribed by my doctor, I am taking Olanex 5 mg(total 20 mg daily) from last 2yr.

As side effect, having fatty liver and weight gain.

Could you please suggest any medicine for these side effect.

I have been told by my family doctor than I should take Ursocol 300 twice in day.

I am really fed up from medicine.

Please help me should i used or not.

Let me know if need more details on medicine/report


re: Mental Disorder by Dr J S Chowhan - Apr 5th, 2013 8:07 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Sachin

The side effects of olanex weight gain, drowsyness, saliva drooping, tremors in hand, constipation, difficulty walking, breast enlargement.
Side effects of depakote are tremors in hands, decreased concentration, hair fall, memory loss, ringing in ear, losing coordination.

The judgement of the exact medication he requires depends on a good psychiatric examination.

With regard

Dr J S Chowhan
World Laparoscopy Hospital
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