Shoulders and stomach
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Danielle Ramey - Jun 3rd, 2013 11:33 pm.
Danielle Ramey
Danielle Ramey
Friday night me and my husband had intercourse and here lately afterwards my lower stomach would have a sharp pain and it wasn't very comfortable during either, almost as if he was hitting a pocket of air if that makes any sense. Well I woke up Saturday morning with horrible sharp pains in both of my shoulders and they would be worse when I would lay down. This went on for about 3 hours and finally the pain in my shoulders subsided but it seemed to have moved down to my would hurt to laugh or cough, almost like a shock jolting thru me. Sunday It would just hurt to push on my stomach or make sudden movements..I just feel really full and bloaded. Today is Monday and it seems to gradually be gettin better but I still have pain in my stomach. Could this be gas?? I have a drs appt this Friday but Im afraid all of my symptoms will be gone away by them and he won't be able to find out what is wrong. I have taken gas x since Saturday morning.
re: Shoulders and stomach by Dr J S Chowhan - Jun 16th, 2013 9:38 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Danielle Ramey

Your problem may be due to violent sexual activity and gas entered into abdomen through the dim rial end of tube. The gas irritates the diaphragm and hence the pain and discomfort.
Please take care that in future it should not happen and your husband should be careful.
with regard

J S Chowhan
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