Discussion in 'All Categories' started by AJIT BAJIRAO KULKARNI - May 29th, 2013 7:23 am.
R/ Sir,
This is to inform u that i m facing problem of one pimple near to my Anus it had come and i took treatment from my colony MBBS Doctors he gave me treatment for 4 weeks and when i took the Tablets / medicines it was going and once a medicine Dose over again it appears so i consulted one MD Doctor in my town he told me that to show to MS Dr and it is "FISTULA" so i went to MS He has given me a treatment for 10 Days medicine and also told me that it is "FISTULA" and operation is require .
if i took medicine the pimple size comes down but it cannot go completely (and not disappear ) after 3-4 days again it comes. the MS Doctor Told me to stop medicine and see the effect and show him after 15 days now during 15 days i observed that even if medicines r stopped in 3 to 4 days it comes for one or two days and automatically goes now i hv m not taken any (TABLETS and medicine) during this 15 days and gain i hv to show to MS Doctor for further opinion.
now sir i need ur advise on my problem whether this can solve by medicine or operation is require for my problem
so please give me a proper guidance as i m now very sad and disturb by this problem .
thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
MBL NO. 09326291205
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re: FISTULA NEAR ANNUS by Dr J S Chowhan - Jun 4th, 2013 10:15 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan

We will advice you to go for surgery for your Anal fistula. Anal fistula, or fistula-in-ano, is an abnormal link between the epithelialised top of the anal canal and the perianal skin.
Anal fistulae are derived from the anal glands, that are located between the two layers with the anal sphincters and which drain in to the anal canal. In the event the outlet of these glands becomes blocked, an abscess can take shape which could eventually point to skin surface. The tract formed from this process is the fistula.
Abscesses can recur if the fistula seals over, allowing the accumulation of pus. After that it points to the surface again, and also the process repeats. Fibrin glue injection is a technique explored lately, with variable success. It calls for injecting the fistula using a biodegradable glue which should, theoretically, close the fistula throughout, and allow it to go heal naturally. This technique is in all likelihood best tried before all others since, if successful, it avoids the chance of incontinence, and helps to create minimal stress to the patient.

With regard

J S Chowhan
re: FISTULA NEAR ANNUS by AJIT B KULKARNI - Jun 19th, 2013 7:49 am
R Sir,
Thank u very much for your valuable advise , i m really very thankful to you sir, i hv taken treatment in one Hospital and they have given me one "Injection-FLEXflor, Vial" and some tablets "OFLOMAC 200' which is 2 times in day, and one Tablet Anxit 0.25mg one in Night they said take it for 7 Days and show them again, also they took my Physical TEST also by Checking Anus Physically by Hand Gloze" now a observed that in 7 days it not Increasing as it was previously as previously even during treatment it was increasing and pus was out but this time sir nearly after 7 days it fill with pus slightly, sir now the Fibrin glue injection this treatment is available in Auranagabad Hospitals ? How can i check or come to know? can i ask Dr ? or How i come to know because they told to operated after some time means after treatment, but i got slightly relief , the skin is not dry as per normal skin but there is no POINT Shape and No Hard but that place is just like wet and area is slightly reduce, may be effect of Medicine or Injection, so shall i wait or go for immediate Surgery , Sir can i wait n take treatment ? so please guide me i will keep u update sir,
really i m happy that u responded me , so please inform me sir how to proceed.
Thanks with regards,
re: FISTULA NEAR ANNUS by AJIT B KULKARNI - Jul 17th, 2013 11:20 pm
R Sir,
Thank u very much for your valuable advise , sir now i m waiting for ur reply, sir i took Treatment from Local Dr who is MS and specialist in PILES/ FISHER and FISTULA, he suggested me "X-RAY FISTULOGRAPHY" which i did and REPORT SAYS" THERE is a single Sinus tract extending from the external opening at 3 "O" clock, position going Anterior to the Rectum, There is no communication seen with the rectum at present, no False Passages seen, Visualised bones appear normal,
IMPRESSION : Findings are suggestive of single sinus tract extending from the external opening at 3"O" clock position going Anterior to the rectum,
No communication seen with rectum at present,
SUGGEST SOS, follow up,
sir this is report of X-RAY FISTULOGRAPHY. and X-RAY COPY is with me and there after Dr suggested me to operate, and given me some medicines Tablets are
1: Rablet 40 ---1 / day Empty stomach.
2: Signoflam --- 1---1 two times after meals
3: OFLET- O -----1---1 two times after meals.
sir course was for 5 days , after 15 days of completion of course (tablets took only for 5 days) i got complete relife no Pus / water at that place and bcoz of job / duty i was out of station , so now i a very little water is getting accumulated at that place and small pain also, so should i go for surgery , or ur suggested glu treatment will it avilable in Local place or sir please give ur valuable advise to take decision, pain and nature of problem is sligtly reduced but it is not completely disappear so what should i do sir,
pl inform me, i m waiting for ur reply,
Thanks with regards,

Ajit Kulkarni.

Thanks with regards,

Dear Ajit Kulkarni

As you are responding to conservative treatment so you can continue it for couple of week.
re: FISTULA NEAR ANNUS by AJIT KULKARNI - Jul 26th, 2013 7:39 pm
Dear Sir,

Thank u very much for your valuable advise, sir now i m waiting for ur reply, sir i took Treatment from Local Dr who is MS and specialist in PILES/ FISHER and FISTULA, he suggested me "X-RAY FISTULOGRAPHY" which i did and REPORT SAYS" THERE is a single Sinus tract extending from the external opening at 3 "O" clock, position going Anterior to the Rectum, There is no communication seen with the rectum at present, no False Passages seen, Visualised bones appear normal,
IMPRESSION : Findings are suggestive of single sinus tract extending from the external opening at 3"O" clock position going Anterior to the rectum,
No communication seen with rectum at present,
SUGGEST SOS, follow up,
sir this is report of X-RAY FISTULOGRAPHY. and X-RAY COPY is with me and there after Dr suggested me to operate, and given me some medicines Tablets are
1: Rablet 40 ---1 / day Empty stomach.
2: Signoflam --- 1---1 two times after meals
3: OFLET- O -----1---1 two times after meals.
sir course was for 5 days , after 15 days of completion of course (tablets took only for 5 days) i got complete relife no Pus / water at that place and bcoz of job / duty i was out of station , so now i a very little water is getting accumulated at that place and small pain also, so should i go for surgery , or ur suggested glu treatment will it avilable in Local place or sir please give ur valuable advise to take decision, pain and nature of problem is sligtly reduced , when i took this treatment and observed in 2 weeks no pain and problem but it is not completely disappear so what should i do sir,
pl inform me, i m waiting for ur reply,
Thanks with regards,
re: FISTULA NEAR ANNUS by santosh shirsath - Jul 24th, 2016 8:24 pm
santosh shirsath
santosh shirsath
Sir, as i am suffering from fistulae since more than one year .before may i cant diagnosed about fistulae . two pimples appeared on my left butek and discharging puss. when i press it then puss comes from anal. so please suggest me which is better treatment to cure this

Dear Santosh
You need to go for surgery. You can go for fistulotomy or fistulectomy. A fistulotomy is the surgical opening of a fistulous tract. They can be performed by excision of the tract and surrounding tissue, simple division of the tract, or gradual division and assisted drainage of the tract by means of a seton; a cord passed through the tract in a loop which is slowly tightened over a period of days or weeks. Fistulectomy is a surgical procedure where a fistulous tract is excised (cut out) completely. This is compared with fistulotomy, where the fistulous tract is merely laid open to heal.

With Reagrads
Dr Rahul
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