anal fistula
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Mahesh Mansharamani - May 16th, 2013 12:08 am.
Mahesh Mansharamani
Mahesh Mansharamani
Anal fistula @ 5 o'clock position--approx 7 cm perianal region
re: anal fistula by Dr J S Chowhan - May 19th, 2013 12:10 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mahesh Mansharamani

In our opinion you should opt for VAAFT. Some great benefits of the VAAFT technique do understand: no surgical wounds on the buttocks or even in the perianal region are provoked, there exists complete certainty in the localization with the internal fistula opening (an important factor in all fistula surgical treatments), and the fistula might be completely destroyed from the inside of. There is absolutely no requirement to know if your fistula is transphincteric, extrasphincteric or above sphincteric because operating from the inside no damage is caused towards the anal sphincters. Therefore, no preoperative examination is essential. The potential risk of postoperative faecal incontinence is excluded. Moreover, the sufferer does not need any medications and that he can start working again after a couple of days because the VAAFT technique can be performed in day surgery.

With regard

J S Chowhan
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