Pain control
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Justin - Jun 14th, 2013 7:59 am.
I take acetaminophen for pain, I can't take opiates. The problem is I eat alot of it. I use over 50 500mg caplets per 24 hours. I've been at this level for about a year, with a slow ramp up before. I have many of the signs of liver problems, but I have no insurance, and I'm not elidgeble for state help either. I can't function without the acetaminophen, but it's taking a toll on me. So my question is what are some options for pain control that are within my reach financially?
re: Pain control by Dr J S Chowhan - Jun 24th, 2013 11:55 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Justin

You did not say where is your pain and what is the route cause of pain. There are many alternative pain management systems are their which you can try. Acupuncture is one of them.

Sometime use of antidepressants and other drugs that work with specific brain chemicals that affect emotions, and help with perception of pain. There are medications that are very effective for chronic pain relief.

You should consult a good pain management physician.

With regard

J S Chowhan
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