Linx Procedure
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Sujain Takkar - Aug 7th, 2013 5:36 pm.
Sujain Takkar
Sujain Takkar
I am enquiring about the LINX Anti Reflux Surgery, please provide further details of how it works and if its going to be beneficial for me. I am a 31 year old woman who has been suffering from GORD for a long time. I have been diagnosed with the condition in 2007 and have been taking PPIs since then. It has worked to prevent heartburn but I am still refluxing other contents and after recent pregnancy I have been experiencing dysphagia as well. I have had 3 gastroscopies done over the last 6 years all of which show oesophagitis, the recent one shows only minor inflammation although I have been taking PPIs and antacids, my GI thinks its due to the pregnancy. I have had PH study done as well the motality test done which were within normal range. I feel when the food is going down and sometimes hurting the chest and back. I also get sudden chest pains on the right side. I also get sore throat and laryngitis. I just had an endoscopy done for the throat which showed some reflux damage but nothing else. I am in a dilemma now as the PPIs work for heartburn but I still have oesophagitis, I am on high dose PPIs - Nexium 40mg in the morning and Tazac 300mg at night. Still feel nausea and burning feeling in stomach. My stomach is normal and no bacteria present. My GI says its not my reflux causing all the symptoms and I should seek psychological help as well. But my question is if its not reflux then where is the inflammation coming from?
I am very young with 2 kids and want to fix this somehow. Please advise if you can help and the costs involved. I can send all the reports if needed.
re: Linx Procedure by Dr J S Chowhan - Aug 7th, 2013 5:50 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Takkar

GERD is vey common problem in recent time. The patient with mild or infrequent GERD can be adequately controlled on medication like Proton pump inhibitor, but for some people medication is not effective, whilst others may have concerns about long-term treatment with these drugs. Surgical option like laparoscopic fundoplication is an invasive procedure in which the stomach is wrapped around the lower oesophagus. May patient would prefer a less invasive option and the LINX device is less invasive procedure which offers such a solution.

So if patients are not getting symptom relief with medication and do not want an invasive fundoplication procedure, LINX could be the answer.
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