semen analysis
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Renju abraham - Oct 24th, 2013 7:15 pm.
Renju abraham
Renju abraham
Hello Doctor,

I have took semen analysis today and below is the report. Can you help to advice on the any irregularity for fertility.
Do I need to go for antibiotics for Pus cells 8-10/hpf? My left side testicle is absent,Right side is fine.Can GP will help on it or need to visit Urologist.I weigh 116kgs and my age is 30.trying for a baby since 3 years.Got married on 2009 wife got polysisctic and even she's taking medicines for it.13 june 2013 my wife got pregenant and soon after two days got miscarried as well.Please can I improve myself

Appearance - Greyish White
Volume - 1.3 ml
Liquefaction Time - 30 mins
Viscosity - NORMAL
Reaction - Alkaline
Fructose - Present
Total Sperm Count - 26.80 million/ml

fast forward(grade a) - 0%
Slow progressive(grade b) - 20%
Sluggish(grade c) -30%
Non-motile - 50%
Normal forms-45%
abnormal forms-55%
abnormal head-30%
abnormal tails-20%
abnormal midpiece-05%

Round cell morphology
Pus cells 8-10 hpf
red blood cells 0-2
immature sperm cells 2-4
re: semen analysis by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 29th, 2013 8:14 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Renju abraham

Your semen report is not very bad sluggishness may be due to delay is examination. Please get it repeated and please get advise of a gynecologist for improving the quality of your sperm. Please decrease your weight and get treated your wife for polycystic ovary.

With regard

re: semen analysis by Raju - Jan 10th, 2014 9:42 am
i want to know that how much will be my sperm count?
if it's a low sperm count 38 milions /3ml and motility is 25% after 3 hours,so how can i increase sperm count?

Dear Raju

Try practicing relaxation techniques throughout the day to keep yourself feeling calm. Keep your mind and body healthy by regularly practicing yoga and meditation, or take up running or swimming.

Stress hormones block Leydig cells, which are tasked with regulating testosterone production. When your body experiences too much stress, it can actually stop producing sperm altogether.

Do not exercise too much! Excessive exercise causes the release of adrenal steroid hormones that actually cause a testosterone deficiency. So whether you want to put on that extra muscle or help out your sperm, remember not to stress your body too much.

Do not use anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids may help you pack on the pounds, but they shrink your testicles and may cause infertility. If you're trying to conceive, stay far, far away.

Make sure you're getting enough sleep every night. Exhaustion can also lead to increased stress and cause decreased sperm production.
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