Tubal Recanalization versus IVF
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by K Anand - Oct 19th, 2013 12:55 pm.
K Anand
K Anand
I anand my wife 35 years old and had gone through family planning on 08/2009 (fallopian tubes were cut)after during second issue (caesarian). Now I would like to go for another one. kindly guide us the for the best option either Recanilisation surgery or IVF, Please suggest the name of the few best hospitals in India where it is being done successfully. Kindly tell us the cost involved in both option.Also suggest when to go for such surgery or IVF. Also tell the success rate
re: Tubal Recanalization versus IVF by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 29th, 2013 7:45 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mr Anand

As age of your wife is already 35 so in this IVF will be the better option. Please keep in mind that it should be done soon as after 35 even the IVF has less success rate. You can get it done in your city also.

With regard

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