bulky and fibroid uterus, need to go for complete uterus removal
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Santosh verma - Oct 8th, 2013 9:41 am.
Santosh verma
Santosh verma
My Mom is suffering from bulky and fibroid uterus, refered to a gynaecologist and she advised to go for complete uterus removal..Please advise the process or call me on 9350066050
re: bulky and fibroid uterus, need to go for complete uterus removal by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 19th, 2013 10:17 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mr Verma

Your gynecologist has told you truth. If age of patient is more and family is complete than hysterectomy is a good option for fibroid uterus but keep in mind if your mother has any problem. If your mother does not have any symptom nothing is required to do. Fibroid will shrink itself after menopause.

With regard

J S Chowhan
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