Testicular problem
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Noori - May 24th, 2014 12:53 am.
My hubby is 31 years old. He has tiny epidydmal cysts on both sides according to ultrasound report but his urologist is more emphasizing on surgery but i have heard that surgery can further damage the fertility . He has a low sperm count and motility as well an on clomid for last week due to low testosterone ..want a second opinion.. Plz help as we are trying to conceive for more than a year
re: Testicular problem by Dr.J S Chowhan - May 26th, 2014 2:02 am
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear Noori
The first requirement to investigate the cause of low sperm count of your husband is to know the nature of epididymal swellings by doing FNAC on both sides. Further treatment can then be decided. You can consult an IVF specialist and diccuss with him about IUI or ICSI for concieving if natural way fails.


With Regards

Dr J S Chowhan

World Laparoscopy Hospital
Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, NCR Delhi, 122 002, India
For Training: +91(0)9540993399, 9999677788
For Treatment: +91(0)9540994499
For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555
Email: contact@laparoscopyhospital.com
re: Testicular problem by Zorawar Mansoor - May 18th, 2020 11:01 am
Zorawar Mansoor
Zorawar Mansoor
Hello Doctor,
What is the most common cause of testicular pain?
re: Testicular problem by Dr Rahul Pandey - May 18th, 2020 11:02 am
Dr Rahul Pandey
Dr Rahul Pandey
Dear Zorawar,
Common causes of testicular pain include: Epididymitis (caused by sexually transmitted diseases or STD) Kidney stones. Testicular tumor, testicular torsion or trauma.
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