Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Omega Phillips - Aug 11th, 2014 12:48 am.
Omega Phillips
Omega Phillips
Am asking for my daughter she need to have surgery on her lungs ASAP. She live in Jamaica do you take patient from other country for surgery? Is yes can you tell me what the procedure is for tourist patient thanks awaiting your reply.
re: Pleurodesis by Dr.J S Chowhan - Aug 14th, 2014 9:50 am
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr Omega Philips
We do treat international patients. The patient is requested to send the scanned copies of his medical records and investigations. After assessment of his case the patient is communicated the treatment and the expenditure involved. If the patient is willing to take the treatment at World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, India, he is sent the invitation letter to help him in getting visa from Indian Consulate.

With Regards
Dr J S Chowhan
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