Failed testicle?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Diri Gootu - Jul 23rd, 2014 12:19 am.
Diri Gootu
Diri Gootu
I am 54 and still very fit. Just finished my surgery when Dr Silber told me the truth: Well have just 1 testicle (from birth) and the only descended one had a benign tumor(never had it easy in life) which was removed in Cornell hospital 3 years back, then did mTESE and found no sperm. what remained in my scrotum was just scares. He said my only option is Stem cell. Question: I seriously believe the descended testicle is still active or is there still a bit of testes still producing testosterone in the only testicle remaining because all test I have taken shows I still produce normal testosterone. How so? Please help
re: Failed testicle? by Dr.J S Chowhan - Jul 24th, 2014 10:19 am
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear Diri Gootu
The source of testosterone can be from adrenal gland also. Moreover the testis have different parts producing sperms and testosterone. So in undescended testis the spermatogenesis may be affected but testosterone production may remain. So in your case testosterone levels are normal but you have no sperms. If there is a specialized center which can make sperm from the stem cell that you can really try.

with Regards
dr J S Chowhan
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