Dilated Fallopian tube
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by sarasu - Jul 19th, 2014 10:31 pm.
Dear Sir, My right fallopian tube is dilated and opacified with contrast. No evidence of free peritoneal spill, S/O Right distal(fimbrial)tubal block. do i have any chance of getting pregnancy? do i need to have any surgery or medicines or enough?
re: Dilated Fallopian tube by Dr.J S Chowhan - Jul 22nd, 2014 3:59 pm
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear Sarasu
The treatment for hydrosalpinx or dilated tubes is Fimbrioplasty or neosalpingostomy. In cases of infertility the toxic fluid in the dilated tubes is the cause of the infertility. In such cases salpingectomy or the removal of the fallopian tube is also recommended. So you please consult a good IVF specialist for advice. If you are staying in Delhi NCR region near to our hospital then you can visit here also.

With Regards
Dr J S chowhan
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