"'sellar mass'',''transsphenoidal excision ( pituitary adenoma)''
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Mahmudul Hasan - Sep 2nd, 2014 10:00 pm.
Mahmudul Hasan
Mahmudul Hasan
My sister age is 33 years suffering with "'sellar mass'',''transsphenoidal excision ( pituitary adenoma)''from about 1 year and operated in 10 month ago in bangladesh .But again same problem with lot of pain arise and some hormon typ problem also arise . feelling helpless . what can be done in present condition.plz suggest is this treatment and doctor available in u r hospital .or u have any other suggestion plz mail me.we all r looking forward for u r replay.
re: "'sellar mass'',''transsphenoidal excision ( pituitary adenoma)'' by Dr.J S Chowhan - Sep 4th, 2014 11:58 am
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear Mahmudal Hasan
Ours is only Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery Treatment and Training Institute. We are not doing any Neurosurgery. I can suggest some reputed Neurosurgeon in Delhi NCR region. First is Dr. V P Singh in Apollo Hospital located at Sarita Vihar in New Delhi and the other is Dr A N Jha at Medanta Medicity Hospital located at Gurgaon Delhi NCR region. So you can visit the websites of these hospitals and get the e mail /Mob. nos. and speak to them.

Dr J S Chowhan
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