Removal of gallblader
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Jashan ram chandni - Aug 18th, 2014 9:09 am.
Jashan ram chandni
Jashan ram chandni
I have got ERCP done for removal of CBD stones. Now I want to get gall bladder removed by laparoscopy at present I am ok. But little week please advise.
re: Removal of gallblader by Dr.J S Chowhan - Aug 18th, 2014 3:50 pm
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear J R Chandni
Ideally the laparoscopic Cholecystectomy should be done as soon as possible after ERCP and removal of the CBD stones. You have already delayed the surgery. My advice is get operated.

With Regards
Dr J S Chowhan
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