Ovarian Cyst
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by saritha - Sep 25th, 2014 12:18 pm.
I have been diagnosed with ovarian cyst(left) 3 months back and has been kept under observation since last 3 months.last week ultrasound scanning done found it is progressive having 8.2 cm * 4.7 cms and other diagnosis done CA125-negative,Quonta Gold(TB)test also negative.
Pl concern is i have 1 child with cesarean 8 years back and planning for one more child. Pl suggest me which surgery is best Laproscopic or conventional surgery and which is best hospital in ghaziabad/NCR for operation.
re: Ovarian Cyst by Dr.J S Chowhan - Oct 6th, 2014 4:08 pm
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dr.J S Chowhan
Dear Saritha
Laparoscopic Surgery is definitely better for the treatment of the Ovarian Cyst. There are number of good hospitals for laparoscopic surgery namely the Max, Fortis, Apollo, Ganga Ram etc. You may even get this surgery done at our hospital also at Gurgaon.

Dr J S Chowhan
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