intramutral fibroid with a large subserosal component
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by bedemi - Dec 8th, 2014 6:54 pm.

I have been diagnosed with a 8 by 4 cm intramural fibroid with a large subserosal component. Also I have a 5cm ovarian Cyst.

Do you think the laparoscopy myomectomy can be used to remove these two (fibroid and cyst) I have been trying for a baby for 12 months now.

Thank you
re: intramutral fibroid with a large subserosal component by Dr. J S Chowhan - Dec 9th, 2014 10:01 am
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dear Bedemi
Laparoscopic myomectomy and Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy can both be done in the same sitting. Please send all your scanned reports for further advise. Pregnancy outcome will depend upon other factors like hormonal, tubal, husband semen analysis etc.

With Regards
Dr J S chowhan
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