Discussion in 'All Categories' started by moumita sarkar - Nov 30th, 2014 12:45 am.
moumita sarkar
moumita sarkar
unable to get pregnency for 2 years. Laproscopy done ,found chocolate cyst and adhesions on the ovaries.

Doctor's view:1.both tubes are healthy.
2.uterus normal size.
3.Both ovaries with chocolate cyst and adhesions.

Doctors reccomendation: LUPRIDE DEPOT (11.25)

What should we do now? should we continue with this process ?
re: infertility by Dr. J S Chowhan - Dec 6th, 2014 10:52 am
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dear Moumita Sarkar
You are suffering from Endometriosis with Bilateral Chocolate Cysts with adhesions. Lupride Depot is given to make the cycle anovulatory and pain free. For pregnancy Diagnostic Laparoscopy with excision of bilateral choclate cyst with adhesiolysis with tubal patency test is advised. Also the Lupride is to be stopped.

With Regards
Dr J S Chowhan
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