Laparascopy in HIV patient - precautions to take to prevent vrus transmission to surgeon or nurses
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by W. Van Bastelaere MD - May 10th, 2015 2:14 pm.
W. Van Bastelaere MD
W. Van Bastelaere MD
I planned a laparascopic TEP procedure for inguinal hernia in a HIV positive patient under medical treatmen and stable.
The procedure itself is a routine operation in our hospital. However we do not have any experience in HIV patients.
So my question is; what precautions are there to take to prevent virus transmission to doctor and personnel during the procedure? Is there a special handling of the escaping CO2 gas necessary during operation?
re: Laparascopy in HIV patient - precautions to take to prevent vrus transmission to surgeon or nurses by Nidhi - May 16th, 2015 8:27 pm
Dear Dr. W. Van Bastelaere MD

Laparoscopic surgery is the gold standard for the HIV patient. A precaution should be taken to use disposable instruments and covering the patients with post operative antibiotics. Use of CO2 is not contraindicated in HIV patients and at the time of evacuation of CO2 the gas should be sucked in properly in a suction machine.

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