intramural uterine fibroid
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by RASHMI KUMARI - Jun 26th, 2015 9:46 pm.
In my first ultrasound report which was done on march 19, 2015 I got to know that I am having a Intramural Uterine Fibroid of 30mm x 22 mm x 27 mm.Uterus was measured 6.8cmx4.3cmx5.1cm. Endometrial echo is seen in midline and measures 7.7 mm in thickness and also found a Right Ovarian Hemorrhagic cyst of 36 x 32 x 27 mm. then I took ayurvedic treatment for 3 months. And in my latest ultrasound done on june 24, 15. The report shows that ovaries are normal in size but fibroid has increased to 38mm x 25mm x 25mm and the size of uterus has also increased to 8.4cm x 4.1cm x 4.4cm. I am very much tensed because of this doctor. Please let me know am i able to be a mother or not?? Its already one and a half year passed of my marriage. My husbands semen analysis report shows 60% progressive motility. Does it affect pregancy?? please help me.
re: intramural uterine fibroid by Nidhi - Oct 25th, 2015 4:28 pm
Dear Rashmi,

As you are newly married and nulliparous then you should go for Laparoscopic Myomectomy. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery.

With regards
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