Concieve in problem
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Anshu Gupta - Oct 14th, 2015 6:39 pm.
Anshu Gupta
Anshu Gupta
I was married on Ist feb 2013. I am trying to concieve from begining. I made my ultrasound Pelvis Tas. Report says i have postero superior intramural fibroid measuring 30*25mm. Rest of the myometrium is homogeneous ans normal. My husband's semen analysis says he has pus cells 10-15. Now i m hopless. I tried a lot from last one year bt no result is seeing. Can i get pregnant or not? Plz help me to answer
re: Concieve in problem by Nidhi - Oct 24th, 2015 7:38 pm
Dear Anshu,

Your fibroid is not the cause of your conceiving problem. Other factors has to be analysed to see where the problem is, for that you can get tubal potency test done.

You need to give other semen analysis results. Please attach whole result of the test.

With regards

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