undescended testis
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by vivek pandey - Oct 11th, 2015 1:41 pm.
vivek pandey
vivek pandey
sir i have an undescended left testis since my birth.
but now i am 22 years old . and now my left testis descended automatically. i had an sonography and it told me tha it is in inguinal canal.. when i am walking or standing it remain in scrotum but when i lay down in bed. it again decend up . so what should i do . it is painful when it desend up.
re: undescended testis by Nidhi - Nov 4th, 2015 4:51 pm
Dear Mr Pandey

It is a case of retractile testes. You should consult a urologist and he will fix it into scrotum. Alternatively you should come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for this surgery.

With regard

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