Hernia ( Right side in testicles )
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Mohd. Asghar Ali Khan - Oct 5th, 2015 6:00 pm.
Mohd. Asghar Ali Khan
Mohd. Asghar Ali Khan
I have Hernia Problem from 3 year, but from 2 week showing pain in night time. it look hernia come in the testicle & not returning back. I am 66 yrs. of age, only panadol taken for pain relief. Pl. advise.
re: Hernia ( Right side in testicles ) by Nidhi - Oct 24th, 2015 7:49 pm
Dear Mohd. Asghar Ali Khan,

You should immediately consult the surgeon who has done your surgery. This could be strangulated hernia which can create problem. It may be recurrence of hernia and if it is not coming back then in future it may get strangulation.

With regards

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