Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Erica Cancetty - Sep 21st, 2015 12:38 am.
Erica Cancetty
Erica Cancetty
I have been having severe right upper abdominal pain that goes to my back thoracic region, right hip and up to right shoulder. Emergency room visits 4 times, they say my gallbladder, pancreas, spleen all look fine. On MRI Heterogeneous liver, I was found to have too numerous to count multiple rounded T2 hyperintense lesions without enhancement. The largest measures a centimeter. They are present in all lobes, along the spectrum of the autosomal recessive polycystic syndrome and is a biliary ductal plate developmental anomaly. After contrast is lesions can be seen adjacent to the portal triads of air most compatible with biliary hamartomas. These lesions demonstrate increased signal on diffusion and ADC mapping consistent with benign lesions.
Small pole lower pole renal cyst.
Heterogeneous uterus. Endometrium normal thickness. Junctional zone up to 8mm thick and slightly ill-defined. Bilateral ovarian cysts. Right cyst 2.8 × 3.1cm
Left cyst with a single separation measuring 2.7× 2.5cm
Small nabothian cysts present.
frequency urination, no UTI.
Indigestion and nausea.
Please help.
re: Gynecology/Gastroenterology by Nidhi - Oct 6th, 2015 6:52 pm
Dear Erica,

You have Polycystic liver and Polycystic kidney disease there is no treatment for these cyst. Your problem should be treated symptomatically. In some extreme cases the bigger liver cyst can be punctured how ever they have great tendency to reoccur, ideally you should change your lifestyle there should not be pressure on your abdomen and you should avoid any abdominal exercises, also slowly the renal cyst will also increase in size but it should not be operated unless you feel extreme pain you should contact regularly to a gastroenterologist and a urologist for ovarian cyst you should not worry at this time as the size of cyst is very small and they are asymptomatic.

With regards
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