Small Paraumlical Hernia with defect 6.3mm
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Sahil Barman - Aug 20th, 2015 3:23 pm.
Sahil Barman
Sahil Barman
Dear Doctor:
I have a very small bulge on my navel for the past 5 years so I decided to go for a executive health check and in the ultra sound report its mentioned that I have a very small paraumblical hernia with defect 6.3 mm. I need to know which surgery is best suited for me , is open or laparoscopic and mesh or without mesh. I am fully insured so there is no problem about the expense. Need to know the best and safest way to rectify my defect.


Sahil Barman

re: Small Paraumlical Hernia with defect 6.3mm by Nidhi - Aug 23rd, 2015 7:26 pm
Dear Sahil
Laparoscopic surgery is the gold standard for treatment of paraumblical hernia. With mesh surgery is always preferred for the treatment. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery.

With regards
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