Free Surgery
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Savitri - Nov 19th, 2015 7:12 pm.
I am very poor and I can not pay that much cost of laparoscopic surgery. Is it possible to get my surgery done free of cost at World Laparoscopy Hospital. I am suffering from Appendicitis and I have episodes of pain many times in past.

Please reply
re: Free Surgery by Nidhi - Nov 19th, 2015 7:24 pm
Ten years ago Dr. R. K Mishra has created free laparoscopic surgery plan at World Laparoscopy Hospital. to serve the poor who could afford reasonably priced medically necessary surgery but who could not afford over priced health care plans. The roll out of the WLH was very rocky but fortunately many of the rough spots have been smoothed out. With the elimination of the pre-existing exclusion practices of insurance companies almost everyone can now buy insurance if they want. Free laparoscopic Surgery continues to provide extra value for patients who cannot buy insurance or cannot afford their deductible or copay. Also Dr. Mishra has established himself as an expert in another area of minimal access surgery where there is a great need but few doctors to provide, that is, Free Gallbladder surgery, Free mesh hernia surgery and hernia mesh removal for pain. Free laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, laparoscopic free ovarian surgery. Free laparoscopic myomectomy all is possible at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
re: Free Surgery by Nidhi - Nov 19th, 2015 7:25 pm
Ten years ago Dr. R. K Mishra has created free laparoscopic surgery plan at World Laparoscopy Hospital. to serve the poor who could afford reasonably priced medically necessary surgery but who could not afford over priced health care plans. The roll out of the WLH was very rocky but fortunately many of the rough spots have been smoothed out. With the elimination of the pre-existing exclusion practices of insurance companies almost everyone can now buy insurance if they want. Free laparoscopic Surgery continues to provide extra value for patients who cannot buy insurance or cannot afford their deductible or copay. Also Dr. Mishra has established himself as an expert in another area of minimal access surgery where there is a great need but few doctors to provide, that is, Free Gallbladder surgery, Free mesh hernia surgery and hernia mesh removal for pain. Free laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, laparoscopic free ovarian surgery. Free laparoscopic myomectomy all is possible at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
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