Adenomyosis in uterus and dermoid cyst in right ovary
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Gwen Lim - Jan 23rd, 2016 12:15 pm.
Gwen Lim
Gwen Lim
Twelve years ago I was diagnost with endometriosis cyst bilateral and adnomysis in my uterus.

My first laparoscopy they only removed the endometriosis cyst and after the operation I took pills everyday to prevent the cyst from coming back.

My second laparospy they only removed the endometriosis cyst because I am trying to conceived. But the doctor did not removed the adenomyosis.

I had two ICSI but did not work out.

Presently conceiving is not my priority any more what i just want is to have a healthy life. But sadly I am still suffering from pain when I have my period and taking pain reliever to ease the pain.

My MRI result is with adenomysis size 5cm and found a dermoid cyst in my right ovary. My ovary is prolapsed at Douglas spouch.

Can you please advise if I have to go with another operation or can I just take medicine to suppress the cyst. Would hysterectomy be advisable with my case?

Hope to find medical advise from you as soonest. Many Thanks in advance.
re: Adenomyosis in uterus and dermoid cyst in right ovary by Nidhi - Feb 10th, 2016 7:04 pm
Dear Gwen,

In my advise if you are planning to concieve then you should get Dagnostic Laparoscopy done once to see where the problem is. And for cysts you should get Laparoscopy Cystectomy done. If incase the problem wont solve then you can think of Hysterectomy.

With regard
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