Ulcerative Colitis
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Pushkar Mishra - Jun 26th, 2016 9:50 pm.
Pushkar Mishra
Pushkar Mishra
I have ulcerative colitis and Dr used hydrocortisone acetate ENTOFOAM enema , with Vegaz OD 1.2, I was without symptoms for 3 months But unfortunately I gradually reduced and that stop to take allopathic medicine and now stool Blooding going to worsefor 2 months . Now I am taking wysolone 40 mg with vegaz od and Entofoam enema 2 time but no result till date , Also I am using VSL3 probiotics with yogurt . ​
re: Ulcerative Colitis by Dr Nidhi - Jun 28th, 2016 8:07 pm
Dr Nidhi
Dr Nidhi
Dear Mr Mishra

In my opinion you should again start allopathic treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs are often the first step in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis. They include: Aminosalicylates. Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) can be effective in reducing symptoms of ulcerative colitis, but it has a number of side effects, including digestive distress and headache. You should contact any good physician and start treatment.

With regard

Dr Nidhi

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