Why Robotic Myomectomy is better?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Shyam Kumar - Jun 14th, 2016 10:27 am.
Shyam Kumar
Shyam Kumar
Dear Sir,

I want to know Why Robotic Myomectomy is better?

With regard

re: Why Robotic Myomectomy is better? by Dr.S.Hussain - Jun 19th, 2016 10:57 pm
Robotic Myomectomy for all types of fibroids is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laparoscopic myomectomy through small :"keyhole" incisions and reduces patient's recovery time.

Robotic Myomectomy improves dexterity and enables the surgeon to manipulate and dissect tissue in a delicate, controlled fashion. Robotic technology may improve efficiency, accuracy, ease, and comfort associated with the performance of laparoscopic operations like hysterectomies for benign and malignant indications, myomectomies, tubal reanastomoses, complex endometriosis surgery, and sacrocolpopexies. Advantages of robotic technology over conventional laparoscopy include absence of surgeon tremor, a 3D image, superior instrument articulation, downscaling of movements, and comfort for the surgeon.
with regards-
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