Tubal Blockage and Hydrosalpinx
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Rubia - Jan 8th, 2021 1:44 pm.
I have a quick query, please help me interpret my HSG results to help me
decide my next course of action. The HSG was conducted back in September 2019 with the results as outlined below;

1. Serial digital images of the pelvis show positive contrast outlining the endometrial cavity.
2. It is of normal shape and size.
3. The contours are irregular.
4. No filling defects are seen within it.
5. Both fallopian tubes are progressively opacified but end blindly.
6. There is no peritoneal contrast spill seen

What type of blockage is this? Hydrosalpinx? Do I have any scar tissues?

Thanking you in advance for your response.
re: Tubal Blockage and Hydrosalpinx by Dr. Rahul - Jan 8th, 2021 1:50 pm
Dr. Rahul
Dr. Rahul
Both the tubes are blocked at the distal end that's why fluid is accumulated in the tube which is hydrosalpinx. You can get laparoscopic surgery done. I have discussed your case with our consultant. Your problem can be solved by laparoscopic surgery. You are requested to come to our hospital and consult Dr. R.K. Mishra. If you want online consultation please go to the link below.
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